Kitengo cha Mipango, Tathmini na Ufuatiliaji


  1. Coordinate formulation of and preparation of annual plan and medium term strategic plan;
  2. Compile programs and action plans;
  3. Develop strategies for resources mobilization;
  4. Provide technical support for Institutionalization of Strategic Planning and Budgeting matters;
  5. Liaise with the Ministry  of Finance and Planning, PO-PSM and PO-RALG on strategic and Budgeting matters;
  6. Participate in analysis of outsourcing of non-core functions (Private Sector Participation);
  7. Coordinate compilation of monitoring and evaluation  reports;
  8. Prepare periodic (monthly, quarterly, mid-year,  and annual) performance reports;
  9. Undertake research and impact studies of plans, projects and program undertaken by the office of the Commission;
  10. Undertake service delivery surveys to collect stakeholders/clients views on services rendered by the Commission; and
  11. Coordinate midyear and annual performance reviews of the Commission.