Kitengo cha Usimamizi wa Ununuzi
- Advise the Management on matters pertaining to the procurement of goods and services, logistics management and disposal;
- Monitor adherence to procurement process and procedures as per Public Procurement Act and its Regulations;
- Develop an annual procurement Plan for the Commission;
- Procure and dispose, maintain and manage supplies, materials and services to support the logistical requirements of the Commission;
- Maintain and monitor distribution of office supplies and materials;
- Maintain and update inventory of goods, supplies and materials;
- Provide Secretariat services to the Tender Board as per Public Procurement Act and its Regulations;
- Provide Secretariat services tothe Tender Board;
- Set specifications/standards for goods and services procured and monitor adherence to them to ensure value for money; and
- Prepare action plan, progress reports and budgets for the Unit.